Senior pastors and senior ministers, here’s your opportunity to spend time with Dr. and Mrs. Barclay in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, November 15-16, 2021, for Live Straight Talk for Ministers.
These meetings are special two-day getaways set aside for Dr. Barclay to get into a closed room with full-time ministers to share his heart about some very deep and intimate ministry issues. The meetings are exclusive to senior ministers and their spouse only (no armorbearers, family, or lay/helps people are permitted). In order to provide a personal, face-to-face atmosphere, they are limited to a selected number of people each time by invitation only.
If you are interested in getting on the invitation list for the currently scheduled or any future Live Straight Talks, contact Carolyn Matheson ASAP at Mark Barclay Ministries World Headquarters at 989-832-7547, ext. 8017, or email