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Verse of the Month


Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

I Predict 2024 & Beyond

Every year, Dr. Barclay takes time to document what the Lord is revealing to him about the upcoming year and beyond. These predictions are available to you to take before the Lord in prayer in response to His warnings.

Biblical Tamar Park

Known as the “Jewel of the Arava,” Biblical Tamar Park is one of the oldest archaeological sites in Israel’s Arava. This oasis held extreme importance to Solomon’s international trade and remains a significant showpiece of Hebrew heritage.

This 55 acre historic site is still continuing to be discovered with rare and priceless treasures being unearthed and stored for future display. The dedicated men and women of Blossoming Rose not only coordinate archaeological restorations, create related educational programs, but they also provide the staff who help beautify and maintain this important site.

Preacher of Righteousness Magazine

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